District of Northumberland and Durham Annual District Meeting
On Saturday 5th. March 2022, a rather pleasant spring morning, considering the current situation with Covid, a goodly number of Allied Masons assembled in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear to attend the Annual District Meeting of Northumberland and Durham amongst them several Allied Masons from West Lancashire District.
Angel of the north Gateshead
The journey over the moors was pretty much uneventful and the weather on the East Coast was fine and sunny allowing them to arrive in plenty of time for a welcoming bacon roll and coffee and time to meet old friends and introduced to new ones, even time for a quick photograph.
As instructed we were in our seats by 11.15am when the District Grand Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother Martin Rankin Deputy Grand Director of Ceremony called the meeting to order. The first Procession was the Right Worshipful District Grand Prefects from other Districts followed by the District Grand Prefect for Northumberland and Durham Worshipful Brother Danny Guy accompanied by his Deputy Worshipful Brother Malcolm Macfarlane Thomson Past Grand Senior Deacon and the District Officers for the year.
D.G.P. Graham Paul Snape with Dep. D.G.P. William Lawrence Richmond P.G.J.D.
District Grand Council was opened by the District Grand Prefect and salutations given. The District Grand Prefect then introduced the Distinguished Guests including the District Grand Prefect for West Lancashire Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape, his Deputy Worshipful Brother William Lawrence Richmond Past Grand Junior Deacon and a delegation of Very Grand, Grand, District Grand and Worshipful Brethren.
The next item on the agenda was to remember those of our Brethren that had been called to Higher Service followed by items of a domestic and administrative nature. The District Grand Prefect then Re-Appointed his Deputy District Grand Prefect who was saluted to which he suitably responded, the District Grand Prefect then Appointed and Invested his Officers for the ensuing year they too were saluted to which the District Grand Senior Warden responded on behalf of the newly appointed District Officers.
The District Grand Prefect addressed District Grand Council and thanked the Brethren of the District for all their support in these difficult times and the visiting Brethren for their continued support and hoped they have a safe journey home.
Delegation from Lancashire
A collection for worthy causes was taken and there being no other business the District Grand Prefect closed District Grand Council. After the National Anthem the District Grand Prefect, Deputy District Grand Prefect and District Officers along with Distinguished Guests retired from the Council in Processional order.
Following a quick visit to the bar for a refreshing aperitif the Brethren took their places in the dining room where all partook of a four-course lunch. The toasts were well received as were the responses and before long the long trek home, for some, began another excellent morning of Allied Masonry over.
Thankfully, the weather was kind and the sun was still shining.
Story and Photos courtesy of Ernie Gavan