St. George’s Council No. 4
The final team visit of the 2018 / 2019 season for the West Lancashire District Officers was held at the Masonic Hall Hindley. St. George’s Council usually hold their meetings in Aston Masonic Hall Bryn on the third Friday in April but due to the Easter holiday being that weekend an alternative date was required. Unable to find a date suitable at Bryn the Council held its meeting in Hindley.
W.M. thanks I.P.M. for job well done
On Friday 12th. April 2019 at 5.15 p.m. the District Officers assembled in an ante room for a quick practice, the District Team being seasoned masons shouldn’t  have need to practice but as the saying goes practice makes perfect, under the guidance of the District Grand Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother Raymond Pye Past Grand Steward. When the District Grand Director of Ceremonies was satisfied all was well the District Officers vacated the lodge room to enable the Worshipful Master to open the Council at 6.00 p.m.
D.G.P., W.M., I.P.M. and Dip.Ed.
Brother David Hatchard opened the Council and completed the items on the agenda of a domestic and administrative nature. On a report the District Director of Ceremonies announced that the District Grand Prefect Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape was outside the Council and required admission. The District Grand Prefect was escorted into the Council along with his Deputy District Grand Prefect William Lawrence Richmond Past Grand Junior Deacon by the District Officers. The District Grand Prefect was welcomed into the Council by the Worshipful Master to which he suitably replied and was invited to occupy the Master Chair. The usual salutations were given after which the District Grand Prefect introduced his Officers.
Bro. R. Higson (W.M. Lawrence Council ) congratulates W.M.
Once the Installing Officers had been put in place the Worshipful Master announced the next item on the agenda to Install Brother Kenneth E. Wilson as Worshipful Master of St. George’s Council. Brother Wilson was Installed in a delightful ceremony conducted by the now Immediate Past Master Worshipful Brother Hatchard. The Brethren of the Council saluted and greeted their new Worshipful Master who then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year.
W.M., D.G.P., Dip.Ed. with members of District Team.
The Installation completed the Worshipful Master adjourned the Lodge of St Lawrence and opened a Lodge of Grand Tyler’s of Solomon. The Lodge being opened the Worshipful Master representing King Solomon admitted into the Order four Brethren, with the consent of the other Brethren. The lecture was delivered by Worshipful Brother John C. Bicknell in his own inimitable style. The Worshipful Master closed the Lodge of Grand Tyler’s and resumed the degree of St. Lawrence. On the risings the District Grand Prefect invited the Grand and District Grand Officers to join him in congratulating all those who had taken part in one or both ceremonies. The District Grand Officers formed a procession and escorted the District Grand Prefect from the Council. The Worshipful Master Closed the Council.
Four candidates (back row) with Principal Officers.
Working two ceremonies gave us just sufficient time to take a few photographs and enjoy a quick aperitif before being called to the dining room where we partook of a rather splendid three course dinner. The toast and responses were well received and all too soon the evening was over another excellent night of Allied Masonry.
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan