Portal Council No. 1 AMD
The Deputy District Grand Prefect Worshipful Brother William Lawrence Richmond Past Grand Junior Deacon was the principle guest at the Installation Meeting of Portal Council on Saturday 19th. January. Portal Council hold their meetings at the Masonic Hall Garston as part of a three in one meeting, the three in one being Liverpool Conclave No. 67 in the Order of Secret Monitor, Portal Council no.1 in the Order of The Allied Masonic Degrees and Excelsior Lodge No. 359 in the Royal Ark Mariner Degree. The first order of business was Liverpool Conclave who held a business meeting.
Dep. D.G.P. Richmond with W.M. Atkinson
The next item of business was the Installation Meeting of Portal Council. The Worshipful Master Brother Derek A. Horrocks opened the council and conducted the domestic items on the agenda.  On a report the Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother Raymond K. Lamb Past Grand Standard Bearer announced that the Deputy District Grand Prefect was requiring admission Worshipful Brother Richmond Dep.D.G.P was escorted into the council accompanied by Worshipful Brother Andrew S. Whittle District Grand Junior Warden and introduced to the Worshipful Master who bid him welcome. W.Bro. Richmond was escorted to a seat in the council. The usual salutations were given.
Dep. D.G.P., W.M. and I.P.M. Horrocks
Dep. D.G.P., W.M., I.P.M. along with Dep. Dist. G.D. of C. Lamb and Dist. G.J.W. Whittle
After the Installing Officers were in place the Worshipful Master announced the next item on the agenda to Install Brother David Thomas Atkinson the Council Junior Warden as Worshipful Master. Brother Atkinson was Installed in a delightful ceremony of Installation by Worshipful Brother Horrocks. The brethren of Portal Council saluted and greeted their new Worshipful Master. Worshipful Brother Atkinson appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year. The Deputy District Grand Prefect gave greetings on behalf of All the Grand and District Grand Officers present. The Worshipful Master closed the Council. Whilst the room was being prepared for the remaining item of business photographs were taken.
Dep. D.G.P., W.M., I.P.M., with Council S.W. Alan Combs and J.W. Christopher Furmston
W.Bro. Chris Walls Council D.C. (District Grand Senior Deacon Designate)
The last item of business was a business meeting of Excelsior Royal Ark Mariner Lodge. All the work being completed we retired to bar / lounge for a well-earned refresher before being called to the dining where we partook of an excellent three course, late lunch or early dinner. Time progressing, it was Saturday afternoon, the usual toasts were proposed, and the responses received before we made our journeys homeward. Well pleased with a splendid day of Masonry in several degrees. 
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan