Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the District of Northumberland and Durham
On Saturday 2nd. March 2019 a goodly number of Allied Masons assembled in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear to attend the Annual District meeting of Northumberland and Durham amongst them were several Masons from West Lancashire District. The weather on our departure from the West Coast, in the early hours  was pretty much awful and visibility over the moors was abysmal but the East Coast was fine and  sunny enabling us to make good progress. We arrived in plenty of time to enjoy welcoming bacon rolls and coffee and to meet up with old friends and introduced to some new ones even time to hold the usual photo shoot.
A delegation of Allied Masons from Lancashire
As instructed, we were all in our seats by 11:15 am. when the District Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother Martin Rankin Assistant Grand Director of Ceremony called the meeting to Order. The first procession was the Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect from other Districts followed by The District Grand Prefect for Northumberland and Durham Right Worshipful Brother Danny Guy accompanied by his Deputy Worshipful Brother Malcolm Macfarlane Thomson and the District Officers for the year.
The District Grand Council was opened by The District Grand Prefect and salutations given. The District Grand Prefect then Introduced the Distinguished Guest including our own District Grand Prefect Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape, his Deputy William Lawrence Richmond Past Grand Junior Deacon and a delegation of Very Grand, Grand, District Grand Officers and Worshipful Brethren and Brethren
D.G.P. Graham Paul Snape with his Dep.D.G.P. William Lawrence Richmond P.G.J.D.
After the minutes of the meeting of 5th. May 2018 were approved the next item on the agenda was to remember those of our Brethren that have been called to Higher Service. Items of a domestic and administrative Nature were completed The District Grand Prefect Re-Appointed his Deputy District Grand Prefect who was saluted and to which he suitably responded, The District Grand Prefect then Appointed and Invested his Officers for the ensuing year and they too were saluted to which The District Grand Senior Warden Worshipful Brother David John Roach responded on behalf of all the newly appointed District Officers.
The District Grand Prefect addressed District Grand Council and thanked the Brethren of the District for their support in what is his first year as District Grand Prefect and the visiting Brethren for their continued support and hoped they have a safe journey home. A collection for worthy causes was taken and there being no further business the District Grand Prefect closed District Grand Council. After the National Anthem the District Grand Prefect, Deputy District Grand Prefect and District Officers along with the Distinguished Guests retired from the Council in processional order.
The stage is set
We repaired to the bar for a refreshing aperitif before taking our places in the dining room where we partook of a delicious four course lunch. The toasts and responses were well received and before long we were heading homeward another excellent morning of Allied Masonry over. On our homeward journey we encountered some of the most atrocious weather we have driven through for some time, the things we put up with to enjoy our Masonry.
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan