New Century Council No. 162
New Century Council was honoured on the 4th January 2019 with the presence of the District Grand Junior Warden Worshipful Brother Andrew Whittle who was representing The Right Worshipful District Prefect at the Councils Installation Meeting. New Century Council hold their meeting at Southport Masonic Hall and just four days after the festive season was only the hardier of Allied Masons ventured out, on a not to pleasant winters evening, and made their way to Southport to attend the Council.
Bro. James Hustler with I.P.M. Geoff. Lee
W.M. John Mawdsley with I.P.M. Geoff Lee
W.Bro. Maurice Evans P.G.Std.B.
At 6.30 p.m. the Council was opened by the Worshipful Master Geoffrey Herbert Lee and the items on the agenda of an administrative nature were conducted. The next item on the agenda was to ballot for Brother James Fishwick Hustler a Leyland Mason joining Allied Masonry, the ballot proved favourable. Bro. Hustler was Introduced Received and Admitted a Brother of St. Lawrence by the Worshipful Master in a delightful ceremony and the lecture was delivered by Worshipful Brother Maurice Myers Evans Past Grand Standard Bearer and Council Director of Ceremony in an exemplary manner. Bro Hustler was escorted to a seat in the Council.
District Grand Junior Warden Andrew Whittle with Assist. District Grand Director of Ceremony W.Bro. John Murphy
The next item on the agenda was to Install Brother John Mawdsley as Worshipful Master of New Century Council Once the Installing Officers had been put in place a board of Installed Masters was opened and Bro. Mawdsley was Installed by W.Bro. Lee in a delightful Ceremony of Installation. The members of New Century Council saluted and greeted their new Worshipful Master. The first item of business for the new Worshipful Master was to Appoint and Invest his officers for the ensuing year. The outstanding items on the agenda were completed and on the fourth rising the District Grand Junior Warden invited the Grand and District Grand Officers to join him in congratulating Bro. Mawdsley on attaining the chair of this fine Council and Bro. Hustler on joining Allied Masonry in general and New Century Council in particular. The Worshipful Master closed the Council.
Dist.G.J.W.  congratulates  W.M.
After the now ubiquitous photo shoot the brethren repaired to the bar / lounge for a refreshing aperitif before being called to the dining room where we partook of a splendid three course dinner. The usual toasts were proposed, and the responses given and well received. The labour and refreshment over we retuned into the cold night air for our homeward journeys another excellent evening of Allied Masonry ended, hopefully many more to come in 2019.   
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan