Lawrence Council No.147
On a cold but thankfully dry evening several Allied Masons gathered at Cunliffe Hall Chorley for the Installation Meeting of Lawrence Council. Lawrence Council was honoured on 31st January by the presence of Worshipful Brother John N. Torrance District Grand Senior Warden representing the Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect. The Council was opened at 6:00 the Immediate Past Master Worshipful Brother Andrew G. Cogle due to the indisposition of the Worshipful Master Brother Michael K. Matthews. On a report the District Grand Senior Warden accompanied by the District Grand Junior Warden Andrew S. Whittle entered the lodge room and were welcomed by the worshipful Master and were escorted to their seats.
W.Bro. John Torrance Dist GSW,  Bro. John Duncan Askew, Can. and W.Bro. Andrew Cogle, WM
W.Bro. Andrew S. Whittle Dist.GJW,  Dist.GSW, Can., WM. and Rt.W.Bro. Paul Snape DGP
Dist.GJW and Dist.GSW
The first two items on the agenda were of an administrative nature, the next item was to ballot for Brother John Duncan Askew, a Preston Mason joining Allied Masonry. The ballot proved favourable, Worshipful Brother Geoff Catterall Past Grand Junior Deacon / District Grand Secretary was invited to occupy the master’s Chair for the purpose of conducting the ceremony, and on an alarm Brother Askew was Introduced, Received and Admitted a Brother of St. Lawrence in a delightful Ceremony. The Lecture was delivered by W.Bro. Catterall in his own inimitable manner and Bro. Askew was escorted to a seat in the Council.
W.Bro. Andrew Cogle, IPM, Bro. Richard Higson WM and Dist.GSW
Worshipful Brother Catterall vacated the chair in favour of the Immediate Past Master The next items on the agenda was to Install Brother Richard H. Higson, Senior Warden, as Worshipful Master of Lawrence Council. Once the Installing Officers had been put in place a board of Installed Masters was opened and Bro. Higson was Installed by W.Bro. Cogle in an excellent Ceremony of Installation. The members of Lawrence Council saluted and greeted their new Worshipful Master. The first item of business for the new Worshipful Master was to Appoint and Invest his officers for the ensuing year.
IPM with WM
The outstanding items on the agenda were completed and on the fourth rising the District Grand Senior Warden invited the Grand and District Grand Officers to join him in congratulating Bro. Higson on attaining the chair of this fine Council and Bro Askew on joining Allied Masonry in general and Lawrence Council in particular. The Worshipful Master Closed the Council. After the photographs were taken, we repaired to the bar / lounge for a refreshing aperitif before sitting down to a splendid three course dinner. The usual toasts were proposed, and the responses given and well received. Refreshment and labour over we all returned to the car parks for our homeward journey another evening of Allied Masonry thoroughly enjoyed.
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan