West Lancashire Allied Masons visit the |
Allied Masonic Degrees District of Yorkshire |
Saturday 23rd. March 2019 found a dozen or so West Lancashire Allied Masons making their way over the Pennines to the White Rose County of Yorkshire to attend the Annual Meeting of the District Grand Council of Yorkshire. We left Lancashire on a rather pleasant Spring morning, and after a thankfully uneventful journey we arrived at Castle Grove Masonic Hall Leeds which is quite close to Headingly Cricket Ground home to Yorkshire County Cricket Club, for those interested in such things. |
Castle Grove Masonic Hall Leeds |
After a refreshing cup of tea, we made our way to a vacant lodge / practice room to hold the ubiquitous photo session, accompanied by our neighbours from East Lancashire. As instructed we made our way to the Main Lodge Room and at 10.45 am took our seats. The District Grand Director of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother Raymond C. Johnson Past Grand Director called the meeting to order and announced there would be three processions. The first procession were Right Worshipful District Grand Prefects from other Districts including our own Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape entered and took their seats, the next procession, was led by Right Worshipful Brother Brian Ward Price Past Deputy Grand Master accompanied by past leaders of the District of Yorkshire, the last procession was Right Worshipful Brother David Malcolm Cordell District Grand Prefect for Yorkshire escorted by his District Grand Officers. |
Delegation from West Lancashire |
Once all the Brethren were in place the District Grand Prefect opened District Grand Council, the usual salutations were given, and the brethren took their seats. On a report The Grand Director of Ceremony Very Worshipful Brother David Davis announced that The Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas Firth Jackson was outside the door of the Council and required admission he was received with acclamation. The District Grand Prefect welcomed The Grand Master who was escorted to a seat in the Council, salutations were given to which he suitably replied. The next item on the agenda was to remember those of our Brethren that have been called to Higher Service. |
W.Bro. William Lawrence Richmond Dep. D.G.P. & Rt. W. Bro. Graham Paul Snape D.G. |
The Distinguished Guests were introduced and welcomed into District Grand Council including the goodly number of Brethren from Lancashire. There then followed several items of an administrative nature. The next item on the agenda was to Appoint, Obligate and Invest a new Deputy District Grand Prefect. The District Grand Prefect directed the District Grand Director of Ceremonies to form an escort and Worshipful Brother Graham Bailey was Introduced, Obligated Appointed and Invested as Deputy District Grand Prefect in the Allied Masonic Degrees of the District of Yorkshire. He as escorted to a seat in the Council and saluted by the Brethren of Yorkshire District. |
The next item was to appoint and Invest the District Grand Officers for the ensuing year they too were saluted by the Brethren. The District Grand Prefect addressed District Grand Council followed by a collection for worthy causes. The Grand Master retired and the District Grand Prefect closed District Grand Council. After the National Anthem the District Grand Prefect retired in processional order accompanied by the District Grand Officers and Distinguished Guests. |
A trio of District Grand Prefects (The Three Amigos) Peter Brockbank. Graham Paul Snape and Mervyn Frank Wilson |
After a welcome refreshing drink, we repaired to the dining room where we partook of a rather delicious three course lunch. The toasts were well received as were the responses and soon we were heading toward the Motorway, heading homeward, another enjoyable day of Allied Masonry at its best. |
Report by Ernie Gavan and photos W.Bro. John Barlow P.G.S.D. / Dep. D.G.P. (E.L.) and one from Ernie himself! |