“Alliedfest” 2019 |
On the 27th. March 2019 West Lancashire Allied Masons took part in the annual “Alliedfest”, for those not familiar with the expression “Alliedfest” it is that day in the year when the more hardy (or perhaps foolhardy) attend two councils one in Chorley toward the South of the District and one on the Furness Peninsular in the extreme North of the District. The expression “Alliedfest” was coined by our late and dedicated Brother Ieuan Michael Davies who was a major player in Freemasonry in the Northwest of England. |
Most Excellent President (C) W.Bro. Goldsworthy, Vice President (LofC) W.Bro. Evans and Chaplain W.Bro. McGown (RofC) with the thirteen Candidates |
The first meeting in Chorley was to Timothy John Lewis Council No.190 which hold their meetings in Cunliffe Hall on Cunliffe Street. Having arrived early enough to enjoy morning coffee / tea and biscuits we made our way to the Upper Lodge Room for the first part of the proceedings. The Worshipful Master Worshipful Brother Geoffrey Catterall Past Grand Junior Deacon opened the council and welcomed the District Grand Prefect Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape into council. Salutations were given under the direction of Worshipful Brother Raymond Pye Past Grand Steward / District Grand Director of Ceremonies. The Worshipful Master then quickly dispatched the domestic items on the agenda. |
W.Bro. Goldsworthy (C), W.Bro. Evans (LofC) and W.Bro. McGown (RofC) |
On a report the Director of Ceremonies announced The Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Thomas Firth Jackson was outside the door of the council and requiring admission. The Director of Ceremonies called the Brethren to order to receive The Grand Master who entered the council to acclamation. The Worshipful Master welcomed The Grand Master who was escorted to his seat in the council and salutations were given to which The Grand Master suitably responded. |
Most Excellent President with The Grand Master Thomas Firth Jackson |
The next items on the agenda were to declare Right Worshipful Brother William Richard Seddon Past District Grand Prefect as Master Elect and Worshipful Brother Robert Dickinson Past District Grand Junior Warden as Treasurer for the ensuing year. The Grand Master retired from the council and there being no further business in this part of the ceremony the Worshipful Master closed the council and we all made our way to the Lower Lodge Room for the next item on the agenda to Admit into the Holy Order of Grand High Priest Thirteen Brethren from councils across the District. |
Most Excellent President W.Bro. M.W.L.Goldsworthy |
The Lodge Room having been prepared earlier the Most Excellent President Worshipful Brother Marc William Lester Goldsworthy, his first outing in the role, opened a Convention of the Holy Order of Grand High Priest. A representing candidate was selected and on an alarm was Admitted into the lodge and Anointed, Consecrated and Set Apart to the Holy Office of Grand High Priest for and on behalf of twelve other Candidates. Worshipful Brother Goldsworthy was assisted in the Ceremony by Worshipful Brother Maurice Evans Past Grand Standard Bearer and Very Worshipful Brother Robert Young McGown Past Grand Registrar / District Grand Chaplain, Worshipful Brother Goldsworthy also delivered the Lecture of the Order. The Most Excellent President closed the Convention of the Order of Grand High Priest bringing an end to the morning’s labours. |
W.Bro. Geoff Catterall W.M. T.J.L., D.G.P. Rt.W.Bro. Paul Snape, M.W.Grand Master, Dep.D.G.P.W.Bro. Bill Richmond, D.G.P. Rt.W.Bro. Mervyn Wilson (EL) |
As most of the Brethren repaired to the bar / lounge for refreshments several stayed in the lodge room for a quick photo session as a record of the proceedings. We joined our colleges in the bar before being called to Lunch. Lunch was a delightful two courses followed by coffee / tea. The toasts were well received as were the responses. The labours and refreshment over it was time for some to make their way to Barrow in Furness to attend Thomas Firth Jackson Council No. 262 for others homeward bound. |
W.Bro. John Bicknell, W.Bro. Geoff Catterall and W.Bro. John Torrance |
The journey to Barrow in Furness was thankfully quite uneventful in fact we had time for a coffee at quaint town of Ulverston, with the number of masons in Booths in Ulverston we could have held our meeting there, however Fairfield Masonic Hall in Barrow in Furness was our destination and soon we were heading there. Once at Barrow we quickly set up the lodge rooms we were going to use and at 6.30 p.m. the Worshipful Master Brother Andrew Bartlett opened the council and welcomed into the council the District Grand Prefect. After the minutes had been approved a ballot took place for Brother J. William Joughin, a Barrow in Furness Mason, becoming a member of the Council. |
The ballot proved favourable for the Candidate and the Worshipful Master invited Worshipful Brother William Byrne to occupy the master’s chair for the purpose of conducting the Ceremony. On an alarm Brother Joughin entered the Council and was Introduced, Received and Admitted as a Brother of St. Lawrence. The Lecture was delivered by Worshipful Brother John Bicknell Past Grand Junior Deacon in his usual faultless manner. The degree of St. Lawrence was adjourned. |
W.Bro. Frank Clarke, W.Bro. Mark Brown and W.Bro. John Torrance
A Council of the Red Cross of Babylon was opened and Brothers Grainger and Joughin were Constituted and Created Knights of the Red Cross of Babylon. The Ceremony, conducted in two parts, was conducted by Worshipful Brother Mark Brown, Worshipful Brother John Torrance District Grand Senior Warden and Worshipful Brother Frank Clarke Past Grand Standard Bearer the first Part and Worshipful Brothers Geoff Catterall, John Bicknell and John Torrance the second part. The Lecture was delivered by Worshipful Brother Ernie Gavan Past Grand Standard Bearer in his own inimitable manner (modestly he wrote). |
The Lodge of St. Lawrence was resumed, and Brother Peter W. Hampson was declared Master Elect and Worshipful Brother David Russell Past Grand Inner Guard was declared Treasurer for the ensuing year. There being no other business other than announcing the venue, date and time of the next meeting the Worshipful Master Closed the Council. |
Bro. D. Grainger, Dep.D.G.P., D.G.P., W.Bro. A Bartlett, W.M. T.F.J., Bro. W. Joughin
When the photographs had been taken we repaired to the bar / lounge for a pre-dinner refreshing drink. In the dining room we partook of a splendid three course dinner. Again, the toasts were short, in response to the toast to the District Grand Prefect he thanked us all for our support at either one or both meetings and that we will do it all again next year and wished us a safe journey home wherever that might be. Job done we made our way home another great day of Allied Masonry at its best. Albeit a very, very, very long day. |
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan |