Annual Meeting of Grand Council
Tuesday 22nd October was a rather pleasant Autumnal morning when a goodly number of West Lancashire Allied Masons left their homes early morning and made their way to the capital to attend the Annual Meeting of Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees. For the Fylde delegation it was a pretty uneventful journey, in fact the highlight of the journey was changing at Crewe. They arrived in London and made their way to Great Queen Street the venue for the Grand Council meeting.
Welcome to Grand Council
The meeting was scheduled to start at 1.15 pm so we were requested to be seated in the Temple at 1.00 pm. at 1.15 pm we were called to order to receive the District Grand Prefects, the Distinguished Guests from other Grand Councils, the Grand Wardens and the Active Grand Officers for the year. We then welcomed into Grand Council the Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas Firth Jackson with acclamation.
W. Bro. Paul A. Renton Grand Steward
Grand Council was opened by the Grand Master and the first item on the agenda memoriam of those of our Brethren who had been called to higher service. The next items were of an administrative nature brought before Grand Council.
W. Bro. Renton with West Lancashire District Grand Prefect Graham Paul Snape
Most Worshipful Brother Thomas Firth Jackson was re-elected and proclaimed as Grand Master for the ensuing year and given salutations to which he suitably responded. The Grand Master re-appointed Right Worshipful Brother Clive Robert Manuel as Deputy Grand Master. The Deputy Grand Master was given salutations to which he too suitably responded. Very Worshipful Brother John Norman Howitt was re-elected Grand Treasurer there then followed the appointment and investiture of the Grand Officers for the year 2019/2020 included were six Allied Masons from West Lancashire, two first appointments Worshipful Brother Dr. Paul A. Renton Grand Steward, Worshipful Brother John Mackenzie Past Grand Inner Guard and four promotions Worshipful Brother Geoffrey Catterall and Worshipful Brother Richard F. Wilson both to Past Grand Registrar, Worshipful Brother John Thomson Past Grand Senior Deacon and Worshipful Brother Maurice M. Evans Past Grand Junior Deacon.
Recipients of Grand Rank with D.G.P.
Next items on the agenda were to appoint Auditors, to appoint two members onto the Executive Committee of the Order and to elect two members onto the Executive Committee. There being no further business The Grand Master Closed Grand Council.
West Lancashire delegation
The Grand Master accompanied by The Deputy Grand Master and the Active Officers along with the District Grand Prefects retired in Processional order When the procession cleared the Temple we made our way to the local hostelries for a refreshing pre-dinner drink and to talk about the day’s proceedings.
District Grand Prefects from East Lancashire and West Lancashire congratulate
W. Bro. Stephen William Bolton on his Grand Appointment.
Dinner was in the Grand Connaught Rooms right next door to Freemasons Hall in Great Queen Street, where we partook of a delightful three course dinner with a glass, or two of wine to aid the digestion. In Allied Masonry the toasts seem to be just the right length as do the responses and before long we were making our way to the railway station and the long journey home. Another wonderful day of Allied Masonry, at its best, over.
No time to talk shop.
Brethren celebrating in the George
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan