Allied Masonic Degrees Gourmet Lunch
As a departure from the annual social, usually held on the first Saturday evening in May at Chorley, our District Grand Prefect Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape has expressed a wish that in its stead we hold a Gourmet Lunch. On this occasion it was to be held at Wyrebank Masonic Hall Garstang, for those of you who have never been to Wyrebank it is situated near the town centre on the site of the Garstang Basin on the Lancaster Canal, on the first Sunday in April and what a delightful day it turned out to be.
Ready to go.
Garstang Basin with Narrow Boats and Cabin Cruisers
“Owd” Tithe Barn Public House and Eatery
Wyrebank (it pays to advertise)
Almost a hundred diners, Allied masons, Masons from other Orders along with their wives, partners and friends assembled at Garstang on what was a wonderful sunny afternoon to support our District Grand Prefect on this new venture. The atmosphere in the bar / lounge was exhilarating but too soon  it was called to a halt when the District Grand Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother Ray Pye announced luncheon was ready.
Enjoying an aperitif

Lancaster and District Table
John Bicknell and Party
Grace was said by the District Grand Chaplain Very Worshipful Brother Bob McGown in his usual inimitable manner and we sat down to a delightful five course lunch followed by coffee and mints. During the meal raffle tickets were sold and thanks to those who generously brought prizes and the many tickets sold a goodly sum was generated for worthy causes.
D.G.P. and Party
Manager Wyrebank (Just Checking all is OK)
Geoff Catterall and Party
P.G.M. Mark Degree and Party
P.G.M. Craft and Party
V.W.Bro. Watsons Table
Dep.D.G.P. and Party.
V.W.Bro. McGowns Table
Not wishing to mar the day with speeches The District Grand Prefect, after a few words, passed the mike to his Deputy Bill Richmond to thank all those who had made the day a success. In case you’re wondering where The Grand Master was he was in Greece on masonic business and therefore missed the first, West Lancashire Gourmet Lunch but I’m sure if available he won’t miss the next...
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan