A Lively Night in Hawkshead |
On the last Friday in May, which was a change of usual date over forty Allied Masons met at the Market Hall in sleepy Hawkshead. Many of them being there before the start time the Kings Arms did a brisk trade in cups of Tea & Coffee. |
Such is the camaraderie in the Allied Degrees that amongst the many guests were Eddie Crosby District Grand Prefect Cumberland & Westmorland and four other members from Cumberland & Westmorland. |
After the meeting was opened by the Master, Andrew Bartlett, then welcomed the District Grand Prefect Paul Snape who is a member of the Council, following this Mark Barton the District Grand Senior Warden was admitted and welcomed as the official Representative of the District. |
After everyone had settled down an announcement was made to say the Grand Master was in attendance and demanded admission, all present stood and gave a very warm welcome to the Grand Master, M.W.Bro.Tom Jackson, he was escorted by the Deputy Grand D.C. Matthew Hampson. |
The next business was to Install as Master Bro.Peter Hampson, at this point the Master Andrew Bartlett invited Matthew Hampson, (the Son of Peter Hampson) to act as Installing Master, Matthew was obviously very moved to be Installing his father this was appreciated by all present. |
Following the Installation, the District Grand Senior Warden congratulated W.Bro. Peter Hampson on becoming Master of Thomas Firth Jackson Council, wishing him well for the future. He also commented on the high standard of Ritual worked in the Installation Ceremony and thanked Andrew Bartlett for the stewardship of the Council over the past year and for him consideration by asking Mathew to Install his father |
In reply Peter Hampson thanks the District Grand Senior Warden for his generous comments inviting him and all present to join him at dinner. |
The refreshment which ensued was a lively affair under the control of the Deputy Grand D.C., until Ray Pye as District D.C. arranged for the Master to take wine with the Installing Master; this was met with spontaneous applause. |
Finally after closing comments by the Master, the Brethren departed Hawkshead, all must have gone home knowing that they had been to something special. |
Report from our Furness Correspondent |